
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Digital Citizenship

The small group reading Hatchet has started blogging and Bud, Not Buddy is right behind them! A blog is a fully functional web site that is simple to create and can be updated directly from a web browser.

Digital Citzenship is appropriate, responsible behavior regarding the internet. At the beginning of the school year we talked about digital citizenship and even earned our digital passports in online etiquette, communacation, privacy, searching, and creative credit. Nickelodeon and Common Sense Media teamed up to teach kids how to be cyber savvy. Harness the power of the Internet and learn how to be a good digital citizen!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


 We are starting some exciting new technology adventures in our classroom! I have been learning all kinds of new ways to integrate technology into the curriculum and I am really excited to try them out with my students! Our class blog will help you to stay in the know on what we are leaning and the projects we are working on. It will also be a place for us to display all of our new technology skills.