
Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 2012, Glossi

With the semester wrapped up a few days early we had time to work on a new project. Each of the students had the opportunity to write an article and publish it to our Glossi, an online magazine. We wrote and published pretty quickly to get it out before break, so please excuse our rookie mistakes!


  1. This is a letter I recieved from Glossi!

    Hello Ms. Tate,

    I just wanted to personally reach out to you and say how much I enjoyed your class's Glossi. Absolutely incredible to see young minds collaborate like that.

    We love seeing great use cases of Glossies everyday and feature our favorite ones on our social pages. Take a peek at our Facebook and Twitter pages right now! We love to get our users to share their Glossies on our Facebook fan page so we can celebrate the creators (like your students).

    Thank you for being one of our early users! We can't wait to see more creations!

    Ruby Park
    Marketing Manager -
    Be inspired!

  2. Dear Ms. Tate's class: My name is Bronwyn Wucherpfennig and my niece is Claire Rossomanno. Since I am a 6th grade teacher, she told me about this page and your blog! I absolutely loved everything. I shared your Glossi magazine with my 6th graders. They thought it was very cool!

    Joey, I agree but adults need weekends too! I think we need one day for "catch up", one day for "play" and one day for "rest. Maybe we should have three day weekends??

    Madison, your dog outfits are TOO cute!

    Dominic, I didn't know what any of your Top 10 was except for the soccer net and bicycle! Am I old? :)

    Nicole and Katelynn, Love the BFF quiz. My homeroom kids are going to do it!

    Bailey and Alec, I love that you would adopt dogs and cats!

    John, Love that your heroes are also family members and not just sports athletes!

    Lillie, Minecraft sounds scary! :)

    Wyatt, In MN it is cold so hockey is our popular sport!

    Abby/Logan: Love the respectful debate!

    Mackenzie: We didn't know all of those things about the owls...thank you!

    Elizabeth: Cute jokes, my sixth graders loved them, especially the skunk one!

    Andrew: Can learn a lot!

    Zak/Brendan: Awesome tips!

    Andrew: Pottery is a cool form of art! Enjoy!

    Carly: Love the lesson in your story! Win or lose, attitude is important!

    Love the recipes also!

    And my dear Claire, Love the unique perspective of your story being written from the dog's perspective. Very clever.

    We will check back periodically!
